Gordo: as you prep for Roth, what are your plans (if any) with regard to the "Double long run" as described here. More specifically, for these double runs what zone/pace/effort and what distances would you consider for yourself, or a seasoned, healthy, competitive Ironman athlete? Thanks in advance.

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For now, all the doubles will be easy pace (Z1). After I've got the volume established, I'll have a look at LT1 Pace and decide if that's fast enough for "race pace" work. Last season, my LT1 pace got down to 3:05-3:10 marathon equivalent.

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Thanks Gordo. What distance(s) are you considering for each of these "double runs"?

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Julie wants me to ride before the first one (2-3 hours) then T-run of 75-90 minutes

Next day 90-135 minutes, hills then flat

I'll be staying flexible based on how I tolerate

I'd like to get to the point where I'm getting 42km across the doubles with hills on one of the routes

Everything will be on Strava so you can watch progress.

A key part of the program is a peppy workout done at the start of each week. Those will be dosed conservatively.

My LT1/LT2 are relatively high %ages of VO2max so I need to create some headroom. More to come on that in September's articles.


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